part 1, I started a stream of thought about my changing picture of community, how it used to be so tied to the institutional structures (which are essentially created communities), and how I’m seeing it as more of an organic, naturally occuring thing. I talked about the feeling of alone-ness that so often happens to…oh, heck,
just go read it. Sheesh, I’m sitting here writing the dang thing all over again… 😀
So for us believers who have found ourselves outside the walls, if the solution for our alone-ness is not (necessarily) to create new communities with others who share our experience, how can we re-think it? We know it’s important, we see it as a need; what, if anything, do we do about it?
This is a preview of
Creating Community, or Finding It (part 2: Community Happens)
Read the full post (770 words, 2 images, estimated 3:05 mins reading time)