Categories: books, current issues, theological questions, TheOOZE
Categories: books, theological questions
Categories: books, changing mindsets, church, Jesus
Categories: books, random stuff
Just a heads-up of upcoming happenings on this here blog…
A couple of months ago I mentioned that on occasion, I will be reviewing books for the Viral Bloggers project for TheOoze. The first such review will be of ReJesus: A Wild Messiah for a Missional Church, by Michael Frost and Alan Hirsch.
As part of the review, Michael Frost has graciously agreed to be interviewed here on the blog.
I’ll be chatting with Michael later this week, and plan to post the interview on Monday, May 4.
Categories: books, food for thought
Categories: books, Meanderings (look it up)
Categories: books, changing mindsets, church
As of the time of this writing, there haven’t been an abundance of comments to my recent review on Pagan Christianity? by Frank Viola and George Barna. (I recognize I’m a bit behind many other bloggers in my review, and many have already moved on from this conversation.) However, of the four comments I’ve had so far, three have sided in favor of the book. Their thoughtful remarks, and reading some of the follow-up content on Frank Viola’s website, have prompted me to follow up a bit as to why I reviewed the book the way I did, and where I was coming from.