October 9, 2008 by

More About Calling…


Categories: food for thought, Meanderings (look it up)

In a recent post, I was pondering a paradigm shift I’m going through about the idea of one’s calling. I closed with this statement:

“I still believe that there is such a thing as a “calling”. I just think it runs deeper than many of us realize–that it has more to do with how God has shaped us than what we end up doing with it.”

I’d like to elaborate on this statement with a tangible example.

Let’s say a young woman feels called to start an orphanage in a third-world country. That’s a great thing to do, and maybe she is really being nudged by God to do that. But is that her “calling”, or is it just an assignment or project? What if the funds never manifest for her to do that? What if she gets there, and can’t ever seem to get things off the ground? What if it folds, and she comes back to her homeland hanging her head? Does that mean she failed to fulfill her calling? Was this her one shot, and she blew it?

Of course not.

Let’s now say that having abandoned the idea of opening the orphanage, this young lady still wants to do something productive, still wants to be a blessing. So she begins volunteering at the local Big Brothers/Big Sisters of America, and becomes some child’s “big sister.” Perhaps she also spends time at the local homeless shelter, talking with and praying with people. Through her growing experience and continued commitment, she gains a favorable reputation in her community, which eventually leads to funding for a ministry for underprivileged children, or perhaps even an orphanage.

Did her calling change? Was this a “Plan B” for her? Or did she perhaps have a limited understanding of what her calling really was?

Maybe her “calling” is more about her passion for children and the underpriveleged than whether she ever starts an orphanage in a third-world country.

My point is this. Maybe the whole calling thing is more about the passions and giftings God places deep within us than any specific assignment we might feel “led” to fulfill. At this level, our calling might have several incarnations during the course of our life. We could undertake any number of assignments or projects in line with that calling, motivated by that deeper gift and passion. But our calling is not limited to any one of those projects.

Why is it important to differntiate this way? Because there is a lot of transition going on in the Body of Christ right now, and certain ministry roles and positions we take for granted now might not even exist in a few years. There’s already a great deal of displacement going on as people who felt called to a certain type of ministry are having to re-think their ministry in new contexts. And yet, God makes it clear in Scripture that His gifts and callings aren’t going to just go away. We don’t cease to be “called” just because the function we once had ceases to be relevant. So our calling has to run deeper than just the role we play.

And that’s what I’m coming to understand–that our calling is more about the deep passion, desire, and gift within us that motivates us to do different things. That’s not to say God won’t lead us into various endeavors in our life, but I think we need to learn that those particular projects aren’t the same as our calling. (I know I’ve needed to learn this.) The assignment can end; the calling won’t.

I’ll continue to follow this train of thought soon as I keep processing how this applies to my own life…

Musician. Composer. Recovering perfectionist. Minister-in-transition. Lover of puns. Hijacker of rock song references. Questioner of the status quo. I'm not really a rebel. Just a sincere Christ-follower with a thirst for significance that gets me into trouble. My quest has taken me over the fence of institutional Christianity. Here are some of my random thoughts along the way. Read along, join in the conversation. Just be nice.

4 Responses to More About Calling…

  1. Amy

    Great follow-up blog to one’s calling(s). I love especially this: “Maybe the whole calling thing is more about the passions and giftings God places deep within us than any specific assignment we might feel “led” to fulfill.”

    I am so grateful that Father is renewing my perception and understanding of the purposes for my life. I, too, lived in the mindset that I had only one “calling,” and my “job” was to “find” it. While Papa has planted within my heart a few definite visions/dreams that I rest in hope and Trust He will work within and through me to happen, I’m utterly grateful that Papa is revealing to me to simply wake up each day, and do and go about my day doing those things Papa places on my heart as He purposes for me. This is the most lovely thing for me, to live day-by-day with Him…in my present purpose…with His love, grace and help.

    Great post.

    ~Amy 🙂

  2. Sarah

    Brilliant, Jeff. I love this post. It’s a really good articulation of some of the same conclusions I’ve come to (and I can relate to the example quite a bit). 🙂

    “Our calling has to run deeper than just the role we play.” Yes – I think our identity and sense of purpose has to move beyond our *function* and draw from a deeper well (our belonging to Him).

    I agree that our “calling” is much deeper than tasks and projects. It is informed by His heart (those causes or issues on His heart that He’s imparted to us specifically). And there may be several options and choices along the way of how that might be manifested or “walked out” in a person’s life.

    Fantastic post… amen. 🙂

  3. Steve Oberg

    Good thoughts. One thing to think about is how some of these “assignments” can sometimes keep us from stepping out into our true calling because we feel comfortable or “safe” in one particular role or locale. We can end up parking there for too long which prevents us from moving on, and also may keep someone else from stepping into our old role and growing and realizing their potential. Unfortunately, this has been my experience.

  4. Jeff McQ

    “I, too, lived in the mindset that I had only one ‘calling,’ and my ‘job’ was to ‘find’ it.” This is a significant statement to make because it places the *fulfillment* of said calling squarely on our shoulders. It’s pass or fail. Doesn’t sound very healthy, does it? 🙂

    Thanks for the “amen.” I like the idea of our calling being “informed by His heart.”

    You have made an outstanding point. In limiting our mindsets as to what our “calling” is, it becomes harder for us to discern a change of season, and thus we fall into a rut–possibly even preventing the growth of others. Definitely good food for thought.

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